Formula for calculating LDL cholesterol:
LDL Cholesterol = Total Cholesterol - HDL Cholesterol - [Triglycerides: 5]
Normal Total Cholesterol Level
LDL Cholesterol = Total Cholesterol - HDL Cholesterol - [Triglycerides: 5]
Normal: less than 200 mg / dl
Normal-high: between 200 and 240 mg / dl
High: above 240 mg / dl
Note: Hypercholesterolemia is considered to be total cholesterol levels above 200 mg / dl.
LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol)
Normal: less than 100 mg / dl
Normal-high: 100 to 160 mg / dl
High: above 160 mg / dl
Note: This recommendation does not mean that your normal LDL number should be around 100 mg / dl. In some cases, the desirable level of LDL can be even less than 70 mg / dl.
HDL Cholesterol (Good Cholesterol)
Normal: greater than 35 mg / dl in men and 40 mg / dl in women.
Normal: less than 150 mg / dl
Normal-high: between 100 and 500 mg / dl
High: above 500 mg / dl.
Note: Hypertriglyceridemia is considered to be triglyceride levels above 150-200 mg / dl.